ndau3a logo 2021

  • Group Status: Spaces may be available
  • Venue: The Curve, Bangor Library
  • Day and Time: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 2.00pm - 4.00pm
  • Please logon to view contact information.

The Singing group currently has around 45 members who enjoy singing togrther on alternate Tuesday afternoons.

The group sings a range of music, mostly in four parts.  We have strong sections of sopranps and altos, with smaller numbers of tenprs and basses.  At present we are particularly short of men who can sing bass but more tenors would also be very welcome.

Under the leadership of Robert Watson, assisted by accompaniat Elizabeth Whalley, the group works towards preparing programmes for the monthly meetings of NDA U3A at Christmas and in June.

Recently it was the turn of NDA U3A to host the annual Songfest at which singing groups and choirs from other U3As throughout the province came together for an enyoyable day when each group performed a short programme. Anyone who enjoys singing is encouraged to contact the Leader / Convenor (Robert Watson) to discuss joining the group.